Don’t let objections scare you. See them as a request for help to see things in a new light. Successful sales have twice as many objections as unsuccessful ones! A formula that fits ALL objections is to listen completely, validate the person, ask questions, relate ...
Option 1
Prospect: "I'm not the network marketing type."
You: "I understand your hesitation, and it's okay to have doubts. Many successful network marketers had similar concerns initially. Network marketing isn't about a specific 'type'; it's diverse and adaptable. It can fit your lifestyle, involves low risk, and prior experience isn't necessary. Would you be open to learning more at an upcoming session with no commitment? It's a great way to explore further."
Option 2
Prospect: "I'm not the network marketing type."
You: "I understand your hesitation. Many successful network marketers come from diverse backgrounds. Network marketing offers flexibility and minimal financial risk, and experience isn't a prerequisite. I invite you to attend an informational session to learn more, without any commitment. It's a chance to explore the opportunity and get your questions answered."
Option 3
Prospect: "I'm not the network marketing type."
You: "I completely understand where you're coming from, and I appreciate your honesty. It's not unusual for people to have reservations about network marketing, especially if they haven't been exposed to the right kind of network marketing opportunities. I used to have similar doubts myself. However, what I've come to realize is that network marketing isn't about being a specific 'type' of person; it's about personal growth, financial freedom, and community support. Many successful network marketers come from various backgrounds and professions, so there's no one-size-fits-all mold here. It's a flexible opportunity that can adapt to your lifestyle, and I'm here to guide and support you every step of the way. Would you be open to exploring this further to see if it aligns with your goals and values?"